Xero terms and conditions
Z Business feed into Xero: terms and Conditions
Xero Feed – terms and conditions and authority to disclose information
Z Energy Limited (“Z”) provides a service in which Z Business customers (the “Customer”) can have their Z Business Information fed into their Xero account (the “Service”).
The Customer acknowledges and agrees the following terms (“Terms”):
- “Information” means all account balances and transaction details for a Customer’s use of Z Business. The Customer authorises Z to feed the Information into the Customer’s Xero account.
- The Service will run from the date the Customer agrees to use the Service and will continue in effect unless cancelled in accordance with clauses 3 or 4.
- The Customer may cancel the Service at any time by signing in to the Z Business Online site and selecting the “do not feed” option for its accounts.
- Z reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel the Service at any time, or to vary, delete or supplement these Terms by giving the Customer notice without rendering Z or Xero liable in any way.
- The Service is designed for small and medium sized businesses. If the Customer uses Z’s “full invoice” feed option and the Customer’s account for Z Business has over 150 transactions per invoice, this Service is not recommended.
- The Customer’s usual Z Business invoice and payment procedure is unchanged. The Customer will still receive its Z Business invoice as per normal and there will be no change to its payment method.
- Z Business Terms and Conditions apply – see z.co.nz for details. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the Z Business Terms and Conditions, then to the extent of that conflict these Terms will prevail. Except where the context otherwise requires, capitalised terms used in these Terms have the meanings given in the Z Business Terms and Conditions.
- The Customer’s Xero terms and conditions apply and are not affected by these Terms.
- To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither Z nor Xero will be liable in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any damage, loss or cost (including legal costs) to the Customer or any other person caused or arising out of any act or omission by either Z or Xero in relation to the Service or these Terms (including delays, non-performance, failure to perform, and processing errors).
- The Customer agrees to indemnify and hold Z and Xero harmless against any loss, damage, cost, expense, claim, proceeding or liability of whatever kind, other than arising from negligence or fraud by Z or Xero or any of their employees, which Z or Xero may suffer or incur to any person as a result of Z or Xero acting on the Customer’s instructions under these Terms.
- No agency, partnership, joint venture or any other type of similar relationship exists between Z and Xero in relation to the Service and Z accepts no responsibility for the actions, omissions, fraud or negligence of Xero or any other third party.
- It is Xero’s responsibility to keep secure any logon identity and passwords that are provided to it by the Customer.