Z Energy is part of the Ampol Group, an independent regional transport energy company with the scale and capability to deliver value for our customers and support them in their energy transitions.

Z is a subsidiary of Ampol, you cannot purchase shares directly in Z. You can however invest in the future of Z as part of the broader Ampol business via the NZX and ASX. A list of registered stockbrokers is available on the NZX website.

Frequently asked questions

Shareholder services

If you have any questions on your Z Energy bonds, please contact our registrars at: 

Link Market Services Limited — New Zealand

Email: operations@linkmarketservices.co.nz
Contact number: +64 9 375 5998
Address: PO Box 91976, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Level 30, PwC Tower, 15 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Website: linkmarketservices.co.nz

If you wish to invest in Ampol, visit Ampol’s investor centre for more information.


Download our annual reports and bond documents.

For ZEL NZX disclosures, visit the NZX website.

For all Ampol disclosures that relate to Z Energy listed bonds, visit the Ampol Investor Centre.

NZX market releases

For previous Z Energy (ZEL) NZX market releases, see the NZX website.

ZEL continues to have listed bonds on the NZX and will continue to make financial disclosures to meet our debt obligations.

Climate and Sustainability reporting

Z is committed to transparent reporting on environmental, social and governance issues. Our carbon emissions profile is independently audited each year and published in a full Greenhouse Gas Inventory report.  

In 2024, Z’s Climate Statements were published, its first mandatory climate-related disclosures as required under the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards.    

Z Climate Statements 2023 (PDF 5MB)
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report CY23 (PDF 1MB)
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report FY23 (PDF 1MB)
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report FY22 (PDF 1MB)

House views

Z House View: Security of Supply with an import-only supply chain (PDF 6MB)
Z House View: The Future of Fuel Demand (PDF 6MB)