Helping Howick-Botany Neighbourhood Support through Good in the Hood

Community September 9, 2024

Howick-Botany Neighbourhood Support is one of the community groups participating in Z Energy’s (Z) Good in the Hood campaign in 2024. The organisation is focused on creating safe, resilient, and connected communities with the aim of getting neighbours to know and look out for one another.

Gay Sykes, chairperson of Howick-Botany Neighbourhood Support, says funds raised through Good in the Hood will help provide starter packs for new members.  “My goal is to have a coordinator on every street in our area so we can help neighbours get to know each other and prevent crimes,” says Gay.

“If we can keep the crime rate down for things such as burglaries, then that keeps the police free to work on other matters.”

Z has been fantastic to work with, Gay adds. “We love seeing people dropping an orange token in for us and the other charities. Z is such a caring organisation and Good in the Hood really helps us reach more members of the community.”

Customers can now vote for Howick-Botany Neighbourhood Support at Z Botany Downs, until voting closes on 22 September.

To see which groups are being supporting at your local Z, click here.