Z Energy confirms $1m committed to Good in the Hood 2023, on track to exceed $10m milestone

Community September 4, 2023

Good in the Hood - falling tokens

Z Energy (Z) says this year it will reach a significant $10 million milestone in donations to community organisations and charities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand since the company’s inception in 2011.

Since 2011, more than $9.5 million has been donated to charities and community groups, the vast majority through Z’s Good in the Hood programme which kicked off in 2013. This year, with Z committing another $1 million towards its annual Good in the Hood programme, total community donations will surpass $10 million, a milestone Z says has seen more than 4,000 donations made to charity and community groups throughout the country.

Good in the Hood empowers New Zealanders to engage with local initiatives through local charities and community groups, by letting them choose where help goes in their neighbourhood.

As part of the initiative, each of Z’s 189 service stations across Aotearoa New Zealand will once again be giving away a total of $5,000. Each Z service station has whittled down an inpouring of submissions to choose four community groups to participate, with $4,000 to be distributed amongst these groups based on community voting. Customers who shop in store are given an orange token to place in one of four slots, voting for their favourite local group. The money is then split between all participating groups based on the number of votes each receives.

The remaining $1,000 from each service station is earmarked to support community events and initiatives throughout the year.

Z GM Customer, Andy Baird says that the spirit of Good in the Hood is to ensure Z’s community support goes to the people living in its communities, giving Z Retailers a chance to choose where the money goes.

“Z and our Retailers care deeply about our communities, and for us Good in the Hood is a reinforcement of our pledge that Z is for New Zealand.”

Good in the Hood was initially created in response to the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, and Z ran several similar community giving programmes before Good in the Hood officially commenced in 2013.

The $10 million milestone represents Z and Good in the Hood’s long-term commitment to helping New Zealanders and what matters most to them. Voting opens 25 September, so be sure to vote for your favourite community group next time you’re filling up at your local Z station, with the little token that has a big impact.