Z Power customer terms and conditions 

Effective from 27 April 2025. 

Z Power Customer Terms and Conditions - November 2024

When you sign up to a Z Power plan, you must agree to the Z Power Customer Terms and Conditions, which outline obligations to and from Z Energy Limited (us,we) your electricity retailer. 

Jump to:

General terms and conditions
EV at home plan specific terms and conditions
Fuel back home plan specific terms and conditions
Z Home Generation buy-back special terms
Privacy policy
Special terms and conditions for an EV smart charger
Direct debit terms and conditions

1. When these terms and conditions apply and who is responsible under them

1.1. When these terms apply: 

These terms and conditions apply when you ask us to start supplying electricity to any property (an address which we supply electricity to, including land and buildings there) and we agree to supply electricity to you. If you ask us to supply electricity to more than one property and we agree to, these terms and conditions will apply to all those properties. 

1.2 These terms continue to apply after termination: 

These terms and conditions continue to apply after we have ceased to supply electricity to you, until you have satisfied all obligations to us under these terms and conditions (including payment obligations) and, in relation to your obligations to network companies and metering equipment providers in relation to their equipment, for an additional period of 6 months. 

1.3. Changes to these terms and conditions: 

We may change or replace these terms and conditions from time to time. We will give you reasonable prior notice of changes to these terms and conditions, other than where we are required to implement a change by a relevant authority or we implement a change to better align with regulatory requirements, in which case, we will notify you as soon as reasonably practicable.

Where we materially change terms and conditions, we will use our best endeavours to explain why we are making the change.

1.4. How we will notify you of changes: 

We can provide you notice of changes by email, putting a notice on Z’s website, sending you a letter, including a statement in a customer newsletter, notifying you by other electronic means, including a statement on your invoice, or a combination of these methods. 

1.5. Other documents are incorporated into these terms and conditions: 

These terms and conditions are a contract between us and you and are comprised of:

a. these General T&Cs (being clauses 1 to 13, inclusive);  
b. the Plan Specific T&Cs applicable to you and the pricing plan specified for you;  
c. our Privacy Policy that applies to Z Power; and  
d. any other special T&Cs applicable to you, for example, where you purchase add-on equipment from us or if you enter into a promotion offered by us. 

1.6. Moving into a property we already supply: 

If you move into a property that we already supply electricity to, and we have not agreed to supply electricity to you at that property: 

a. you will be required to pay for the electricity you use at that property from the time you move in; 
b. these terms and conditions apply from the date you move into the property; and 
c. you will supply us with evidence to show the date you moved into the property. 

1.7. Information you provide to us must be true and accurate: 

You must give us true and accurate information.  You will provide us with reasonable evidence to support or verify information you provide us. For example, we may ask you to confirm your identity by providing photo identification such as a passport or driver’s licence. If we believe on reasonable grounds that you have provided incorrect or fraudulent information, then without limiting our other rights we may take any of the actions outlined in clause 8.6. 
If you set up an account using someone else's information without their express consent or you use made-up information, you will be personally responsible under these terms and conditions and not the other person, whether real or made-up. 

1.8. Authorised people on your account: 

You can include someone else as an authorised person in relation to a property. This means that that authorised person can operate your account for that property with us and instruct us as if they were you. You are responsible for all actions of each authorised person. 

1.9. Responsibilities of all people named on your account: 

If more than one person is named as the customer on an account, each of those people are individually responsible to us under these terms and conditions. This means that we can require any of these people to meet all of the obligations under these terms and conditions, including the payment of all our charges for all properties on the account. Every person named as a customer on an account needs to give us their consent. 

2. We will supply electricity to you and fix issues that occur 

2.1. We will: 

a. Supply electricity: supply electricity to you in accordance with these terms and conditions; 
b. Be available: provide you with as much online and telephone help as we reasonably can; 
c. Resolve problems: run a 24/7 fault service to respond to problems with supply of electricity to your property. 

2.2. Using some third parties (identified below) we will: 

a. Get the electricity to your property: supply electricity to your property through the power lines on your electricity network. We arrange this with the network company relevant to your property. If you have a contract with the network company directly, this will be arranged by that company and we won’t do it for you; 
b. Work out how much electricity you use: measure the electricity that we supply to you. This involves us arranging for a provider of metering equipment to ensure a meter is installed at each property so that it can measure your consumption and remotely communicate this back to us. 

2.3. How electricity is supplied to you: 

Each property will have a point of connection to the power lines. For most residential properties, this point of connection will be on a power pole outside the boundary of your property. You can get the exact location confirmed by your network company. 

2.4. Stay safe: 

All parts of the electricity supply system, including the lines and wires on your property, should be treated as live at all times. Stay safe around them. 

2.5 Sometimes we are not able to meet our obligations to you: 

We are not required to carry out our responsibilities if an event has occurred which is beyond our reasonable control and which prevents or delays us from carrying out those responsibilities. Some examples are: 

a. our website or help centre is unavailable; 
b. our arrangements with an electricity metering provider have been suspended or ended; 
c. our arrangements with a network company have been suspended or ended; 
d. a network company cannot supply electricity to a property.  

We will continue to perform our responsibilities that are not affected by the event and we will do everything we reasonably can to make sure your electricity supply is returned to normal as soon as is reasonably practicable.  
We are not responsible for any damage that results from fluctuations in electricity supply, frequency or voltage, unless we agree we have breached, or are found to have breached, the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (to the extent that Act applies to these terms and conditions). 

3. Issues with our supply of electricity to you 

3.1 Fixing problems with the supply of electricity: 

The electricity supply system is complex and sometimes parts of it may not function as they are supposed to, for example if there is a storm or an accident, or if the supply needs to be urgently cut off for safety reasons. When this happens, the supply of electricity to you may be interrupted or otherwise affected. Using third parties, we will do our best to make sure that the supply of electricity to your property is fixed as soon as we can in the circumstances. We will continue to perform our responsibilities that are not affected by these events and we will do everything we reasonably can to make sure your electricity supply is returned to normal as soon as is reasonably practicable. We are not responsible for any damage that results from fluctuations in electricity supply, frequency or voltage, unless and to the extent such fluctuations were caused by our direct actions and, in each case, were not caused by events beyond our reasonable control. 

3.2. Work by network companies may affect supply of electricity: 

Sometimes network companies need to do work on their networks and this may have an effect on the supply of electricity to you. When they do this, they usually give at least four working days' notice. Sometimes they have to do urgent work and will give as much notice as they can. If they do not notify you directly, we will give you as much notice as we reasonably can, and it will generally be about the same as the notice they give us. 

3.3. We recommend you protect your property and appliances: 

Installing surge protection can protect your appliances from fluctuations in frequency, voltage and other problems with the electricity we supply. 

3.4. We recommend you have insurance: 

We recommend you have insurance for damage that may result from fluctuations in frequency, voltage and other problems with the electricity we supply. 

3.5. Who to contact: 

When there is a problem, or you think that there might be one, with our supply of electricity to you, please contact us, or call us on 0800 935 328 - it is free to call from your cell phone. We will regularly update information about a supply interruption, in accordance with good industry practice in New Zealand. You can also find out about supply interruptions directly from your network company. 

3.6. Let us know if you have special circumstances we should know about. You need to keep us informed. Tell us if: 

a. You, or someone at your household, relies on medical equipment: you or someone else who lives at the property has critical medical support that relies on the supply of electricity to keep it operating properly; or 
b. Your health is at risk: there is a real and genuine threat to your health or wellbeing (or someone else who lives at the property) because of health, age or disability; or 
c. Your financial circumstances change: you experience temporary or permanent financial hardship that makes it genuinely hard for you or someone else who lives at the property to pay for the electricity we supply to your property. 

If you believe that you, or someone else who lives at your property, has critical medical support that relies on the supply of electricity to keep it operating properly: 

a. You must maintain a back-up power supply or any other emergency arrangements that will ensure health and safety in the case of an interruption to your energy supply. Energy supply may be interrupted at any time without warning. 
b.   We may require you to provide us with a completed Notice of Potential Medically Dependent Consumer Status Form, which your health practitioner can provide. 
c.   We may require you to consent to your registered medical practitioner speaking to us about the medical dependency. 

3.7. Customer Care Policy:

We have a Customer Care Policy that outlines our commitment to ensuring you get the support you need, whenever you need it. You can read our full policy here. This has been updated recently to comply with the Electricity Authority’s consumer care obligations.

3.8. Planned supply outages:

Unless otherwise agreed, we or the network operator will notify you in advance of any planned interruption to your energy supply by giving at least 4 business days’ notice for electricity, unless the interruption is urgently required and was not reasonably foreseeable, in which case we will give you as much notice of the interruption as possible. 

4. Working out how much electricity we supply to you 

4.1. Smart meter installation: 

In order to supply your property we need to ensure there is a smart meter at your property. It may be that we can arrange for a smart meter to be installed at your property. If this is possible, we will supply you with a copy of our Smart Meter Upgrade T&Cs. 

4.2. Meter reading and estimates: 

We will work out how much electricity we supply to your property by remotely reading the meter on a regular basis or, if we have not read the meter, are unable to read the meter for any reason, or some or all usage data is missing from our attempts to read the meter, we may estimate the amount of electricity supplied to that property. We may also send out a meter reader to physically read your meter. If we need to estimate any usage data we will do so in accordance with clause 5.6. Alternatively, you can call us for a simple explanation as to how we have calculated the estimated supply. 

4.3. No unmetered supply: 

Due to the nature of our business, we are unable to supply electricity to you as a customer if you have, or come to have, any unmetered supply connected to your property. Should you already be a customer of ours and you introduce an unmetered supply to your property, or are found to have unmetered supply to your property, you will be immediately required to choose another retailer to supply you with electricity in accordance with clause 4.7, and our contract with you in respect of that unmetered supply will be at an end. 

4.4. Problems with your measured supply: 

If you think that the meter is not correctly recording the amount of electricity that you are supplied, you need to tell us. If you ask us to test a meter, or if we decide to test it, and we find it is not within the industry standards of accuracy, we will work out what your actual electricity usage should have been, and we will debit or credit your account accordingly. If you ask us to test a meter, and it is found to be accurate, we may charge you for that meter test. 

4.5. Remote communication problems with your meter(s): 

Your smart meter is designed to remotely communicate your half-hour consumption information to us. This half-hour consumption information is crucial to our ability to service you as our customer due to the nature of our business. In order to remotely communicate, your meter requires sufficient cellular signal strength so it can connect to the central database. Should your meter have or come to have insufficient signal strength that does not resolve itself within 5 calendar days: 

a. We may initiate an investigation and contact you to discuss possible causes; 
b. It's possible that a site visit may be required to determine the cause of the communication issue. If this site visit reasonably determines you have knowingly contributed in any way to the reduction in signal strength (usually due to new construction on your property, but includes any tampering with the meter or its ability to communicate) then you will be charged for this site visit, and any subsequent visits required to attempt to resolve this issue in accordance with clause 8; 
c. Any site visit does not guarantee resolution, and if we are unable to reasonably resolve this communication issue we will be unable to continue to service you as a customer. This means you will be required to switch to another retailer to supply you with electricity in accordance with clause 4.7; 
d. If you were to initiate a switch to another retailer, this will not absolve you of your responsibilities under clause 8 should you be found to have contributed to the failure of your meter's ability to remotely communicate. 

4.6. Metering standards: 

All meter readings, tests and associated processes will be done in accordance with relevant New Zealand industry protocols and codes of practice. 

4.7. When we are unable to continue to provide you with our service: 

We may require you to find another retailer to supply you with electricity in accordance with clause 4.3 and/or clause 4.5. If this is required, we will first attempt to switch you back to the previous retailer that supplied your property. If this is not possible, then you must choose another retailer and initiate a switch to them within 3 working days of us notifying you. 

5. Paying for the electricity we supply you 

5.1. You are responsible for paying: 

You must pay for all of the electricity we supply to your property, including where some or all of that is estimated by us. It is your responsibility to pay for all of the electricity supplied to your property from the date you moved into the property, including the cost of delivering that electricity to your property.  In the situation where more than one person is the customer at a premises, our agreement applies to each of you individually, as well as together. This means, for example, that we can require any one of you to pay our entire invoice. 

If you have opted to pay us by credit or debit card you will incur a surcharge of 1% on your total electricity invoice, which will be clearly detailed on your invoice. The 1% surcharge is incurred when each invoice is generated. This means when you have opted to pay by credit card our system adds the 1% fee to the total invoice amount regardless of whether some or all of that invoice is paid by account credit or credit card. You may also be responsible for paying other charges as set out in clause 6.6. 

5.2. Do not damage metering equipment: 

Be careful not to damage any of the metering and other equipment on the property because you may also be responsible for paying to fix any such damage. 

5.3. When invoices are issued and when you need to make payment: 

We determine the amount of electricity supplied to a property in accordance with clause 4. We issue invoices covering your electricity expenditure for the prior billing period. You will be notified on your invoice of the payment due date, which will be no less than 2 working days following the date of your invoice. Your nominated bank account or credit or debit card will be debited on this payment due date. 

5.4. What happens if you do not pay us: 

If you do not pay us for any amount you are responsible for and which is due under these terms and conditions, or if payment from the bank account you have authorised us to direct debit money from or the credit or debit card you have authorised us to charge is dishonoured, cancelled or refused, we can: 

a. Attempt again to debit your nominated bank account or credit or debit card (we will give you at least 24 hours’ notice); 
b. Charge you our reasonable costs or fees in collecting money you owe us, including bank fees, credit agency fees, legal and court fees; 
c. Start our debt process, which may in some circumstances lead to disconnection of the electricity supply to any property supplied under these terms and conditions. If your supply is disconnected, you may be charged fees, including for example a disconnection site visit fee. These will be notified to you before your electricity supply is disconnected. 
d. If you have been in our debt process, and you switch to another retailer or have your supply disconnected, we may not be able to take you on as a customer again. If we do allow you to open another account, and you again fail to pay us for an amount you owe us under these terms and conditions, we may require you to switch to another retailer. 

5.5. Terms of payment: You need to: 

a. always pay us in full (that means that you cannot deduct amounts from the amount you owe us); 
b. authorise us to direct debit money from a specific bank account or charge money to a specific credit or debit card for amounts you owe us; 
c. ensure that the bank account you have authorised us to direct debit money from or the credit or debit card you have authorised us to charge is up to date and that it has sufficient clear and accessible funds to cover all payments to us at the time for payment, otherwise the provisions in clause 5.4 may apply. 

5.6. How estimates work and what you will be charged: 


a. the meter at a property has incorrectly measured the amount of electricity used; or 
b. the meter reading cannot be taken; or 
c. we cannot access a meter (including remotely) for a long period of time even though you met your access obligations under clause 7; or 
d. we do not have complete or correct records of your electricity usage or any other components used to calculate your charges available at the time, 
then we will estimate what the actual electricity usage at the property should have been by building a profile of your usage based on either; up to the last 4 weeks of data or an average user profile. We will then charge the estimated usage based on the pricing plan that you selected when you joined. 

Where possible, any estimated usage data, including usage information you have provided to us, will be updated with actual usage data, or if we cannot retrieve actual data, finalised estimate data will then be treated as if it were actual data. Where we can, and if it is required, we will then either credit or debit your account for any differences in calculated charges. We will act reasonably and will take into account whether either of us contributed to the error or could reasonably have been expected to know of it. In the event we cannot provide you with an invoice for over 2 months we will work with you to arrange for you to pay that amount over the following 2 months. 

5.7. Invoice corrections:

We issue invoices based on the data available at the time of billing. Occasionally, where actual data is provided, this data may be incorrect due to supplier, system or manual process errors, resulting in an overcharge or an undercharge. If we have issued an incorrect invoice, we will correct this as soon as is practically possible, and the corrected amount will be displayed on your next invoice (following any adjustments). 

For any undercharged amount, we will apply our discretion to either debit your account or waive this amount.

For any overcharged amount, we will credit this amount against your electricity invoice, or you can request a refund by contacting us.

5.8. What to do if you think our invoice or our estimate is wrong: 

If you want to dispute an invoice or the calculations in clause 5.6: 

a. you should raise your dispute with us in writing prior to the date your next invoice falls due for payment. If necessary, we will hold the disputed amount separately; or 
b. if you do not raise a dispute with us prior to the date your next invoice falls due for payment, then we will deduct the calculated charge for this electricity from your specified bank account or charge your authorised credit or debit card. 

5.9. We might ask you for a bond: 

We may require a bond from you before we can supply or continue to supply electricity to your property. This bond is used to provide a level of security in case you default on your account. If we require you to comply with this clause, you must do so. 

5.10. The terms of any bond: 

If we exercise clause 5.8, we will tell you why we need to, how much we require, when it must be paid to us, how long we will keep it, how we will repay it and other relevant information. The amount of the bond will be reasonable and will take into account an estimate of our financial exposure to you in the event that you do not pay your invoices. We do not pay interest on bonds. 

5.11. Credit balances on your account: 

In the event you have a credit balance on your account, it may only be used to pay for electricity supplied by us. 
In ordinary circumstances you should not build up a material account credit balance while you are a customer. If your account credit balance does build up, it should be applied to your next invoice(s). If you build up an account credit balance (excluding promotional credit) while you are a customer and you would like a refund please contact us. We may limit the frequency, set a minimum amount and/or specify a charge for processing account balance refunds while you are a customer. After you close your account with us and all your payment obligations to us have been satisfied, we will refund any credit balance on your account to you (this will not include promotion credits you have received and not used). 

5.12 issues with invoicing 

If we have undercharged you, or failed to issue an invoice, we will issue or adjust the relevant invoices, which you must pay in accordance with these terms.  If we have overcharged you, we will promptly provide you with a credit for those amounts. 

6. Our pricing and other amounts we may need to charge you 

6.1. Your electricity pricing at your property: 

Pricing for the electricity we supply may be different for each property supplied by us. The reason for this is that there are pricing variations (including, for example, the metering set up, or the time of day that electricity is used) that will apply to each property. 

6.2. Changing your pricing plan: 

If you ask us to change your plan, for example if you want to change your pricing plan, your metering set up, or if you need to change between low and standard user plans, then we will make such change if we are able. Usually these changes will be made within 15 working days or in time for your next billing cycle (whichever is longer), unless we notify you of a specific reason why it is taking longer. In some cases, there may be fees associated with this, which will be notified to you. 

6.3. Rate eligibility: 

If you stop being eligible for the rate you are on because it is discovered that you no longer meet the criteria for that rate, we may require you to change to an alternative rate and if we do we will give you 30 days’ notice in writing in advance. If it is discovered that you are not eligible for a rate because you provided us with inaccurate information when you signed up with us, we may change the pricing plan you are on, to a plan you are eligible for (taking into account the revised information) without notice. 

6.4. Your electricity pricing: 

We will charge you for electricity and related services as detailed in your pricing plan, in accordance with your Plan Specific T&Cs (if any) and any other special T&Cs that apply to you for each property you have with us. 
Details of each invoice will be available by email. 

6.5. You must pay GST 

Unless otherwise stated, prices exclude GST and GST (if any) will be charged in addition to those GST exclusive prices. 

6.6. Other charges required for the supply of electricity to you: 

We may also charge you for other products or services you require in relation to the supply of electricity to your property (such as remote reconnections or testing metering equipment). There may be additional fees for these types of products and services. If you ask us to provide a product or service that involves an additional cost, or if you incur a fee or cost under these terms and conditions, we will tell you the total amount you will need to pay and whether there are ways you can avoid that fee or cost. In some cases, the costs are specific to a property (such as decommissioning the electricity from a property). In these instances, we will provide you with an estimate of the cost. These costs will appear as a separate line item on your invoice. 
Check out a list of our standard fees on our Customer Care Policy

6.7. Recovering those fees from you: 

Provided we have given you notice, we may deduct any money you owe under these terms and conditions from the bank account you have authorised us to direct debit money from or the credit or debit card you have authorised us to charge. 

7. Access to each property 

7.1. Safe and clear access: 

For safety and security of supply and other reasons, we and others involved in the supply of electricity to the property need clear and safe access to: 

a. each property and any land over which you have an easement or right to pass electricity; 
b. all metering equipment; and 
c. any equipment used to supply electricity. 

7.2. Some of your specific responsibilities: 

a. Restoring supply following an interruption: It is very important that you provide us, the network company and meter provider (and any agent or subcontractor of any of us) with access any time to restore electricity during an interruption in your area, to ensure safety, or to protect people or property; 
b. Maintenance and compliance: during business hours or as otherwise agreed with you, you must allow us, the network company and meter provider (and any agent or subcontractor of any of us) access to each property (including to meters and other equipment that may be inside) to: 

i. connect, suspend or disconnect your electricity supply; 
ii. read meters; 
iii. ensure that trees, vegetation, buildings and other obstacles are clear of electricity lines or electrical equipment and meters. 
If you do not keep them clear you may be charged for the cost of clearing the trees, vegetation or obstacles if we reasonably determine it is required; 
iv. install, inspect, work on or remove any equipment necessary to provide electricity; 
v. investigate or repair any damage or interference or suspected damage or interference with the distribution or any equipment used to supply electricity. 

7.3. Installing load control equipment: 

You must also allow clear and safe access to a property if we or a network company or meter provider need to install or maintain equipment for load control. 

7.4. Notice we’ll give you before accessing the property: 

Except in an emergency situation or where access is routine (for example, inspecting a meter on the outside of a building), where access is required by a third party, we will give you written notice of when and why access to a property is required. That notice will be at least 10 working days prior to access if it is for construction, upgrade, repair or maintenance; and a reasonable timeframe if access is to inspect or operate any equipment used in connection with generating, transforming, converting or conveying electricity. However, if we receive less notice than this from a third party who is not under our control and has the right to access your property (such as a network company) then we will give you as much notice as practicable after we have received notice. 

7.5. We will access the property appropriately: 

If under this clause 7, we, our employees or agents access your property we will:

a. take reasonable steps to minimise direct impacts on the property or inconvenience to you, and to comply with your reasonable requirements;
b. ensure our employees and agents carry identification showing they are our authorised representatives and show you this on your request and identify themselves before entering that property;
c. ensure our employees and agents act courteously and professionally at all times. 

7.6. What might happen if you don’t provide us the required access: 

If we are acting in accordance with this clause 7, and you do not provide clear and safe access, we or the network company may need to temporarily disconnect your electricity supply. 

8. Your responsibilities in relation to the electricity supply equipment on the property 

8.1. Things you need to do: 

You must take reasonable steps to: 

a. make sure nothing on your property interferes with or damages the distribution network;
b. ensure the safety, security and maintenance of any electricity lines and equipment used on each property; 
c. ensure the safety, security and maintenance of any electricity lines and equipment past a distribution connection point to any dwelling or premises on a property; 
d. keep trees, vegetation and other obstacles away from meters and the electricity lines - this includes anything overhanging from neighbouring premises; 
e. make sure there is sufficient secure space at each property for metering equipment and other equipment we or the network company think is necessary to supply electricity to you; 
f. make sure that other people at a property comply with your obligations under this clause 8. 

8.2. Tell us if there is damage: 

You must notify us or your network company as soon as you become aware of any damage to, or fault with, meters or equipment. 

8.3. Things you cannot do: 

You must not: 

a. connect or disconnect a property to a distribution network, or interconnect two or more network connection points (these are the points at which a property connects to an isolating device on the distribution network); 
b. interfere with or work on a network company's lines or equipment; 
c. take a supply of electricity from anywhere along the electricity lines between a distribution connection point and the meter; 
d. interfere with any meter or other equipment used to supply you electricity; 
e. generate electricity or inject it into a distribution network without the network's permission; 
f. use a distribution network to send or receive any signal or communication. 

8.4. More things you cannot do: 

Except as otherwise stated in any special T&Cs, meters, meter reading equipment, and other equipment that we, or a network or metering company supply, do not belong to you, but to the party responsible for supplying it. You must never: 

a. interfere with or remove a meter or meter reading equipment; 
b. interfere with any other equipment supplied by us, a metering equipment provider or a network company; 
c. allow any mortgage, security interest or other charge to be created over a meter or other equipment that we, or a network or metering company supply, or otherwise interfere with ownership of any of them. 

8.5. Keep trees trimmed: 

You have obligations under the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 to, for example, keep trees free from power lines (and if you do not, we or the network company may give you written notice requiring you to do so within a specified time at your cost). A summary of your obligations is available from worksafe.govt.nz

8.6. What happens if you do not meet your responsibilities: 

If you do not meet your obligations in clauses 1.3, 5, 7 and 8 we will inform you and give you time to rectify or to take dispute resolution proceedings: 

a. and if we (or third parties such as network companies or metering equipment providers) incur costs or charges, for example we (or third parties) have to do work that you should have done, we may charge you for that work; 
b. and if the failure is material or persistent and is clearly established, we may: 

i. disconnect your electricity supply and refuse to reconnect your property; 
ii. require you to switch to another retailer; 
iii. inform the Police where we consider that the matter is serious enough. 

8.7. Your obligations to network companies: 

You must: 

a. comply with the law and with the network company’s network connection standards that apply to your property; these include safety and technical requirements. You can obtain a copy of each of these from the relevant network company. If you are unsure who your network company is, you can contact us to find out; 
b. follow any instructions given to you by a network company to make sure its electricity lines or equipment on your premises is safe; 
c. accept that a network company may interrupt your electricity supply if we are in default under our contract with the network company. 

8.8. Your obligations in relation to load control: 

Load control devices allow us or your network company to switch off power at your meter in certain circumstances, such as when there’s a fault or demand is very high. This usually applies to hot water, or nightstore heating. If a property has load control devices and you have agreed to a pricing plan that allows your electricity to be load controlled, you must allow us or your network company to control their operation, in some cases this may mean interrupting your supply without notice. Details are available in the Pricing and rewards details section when you join online. If you enter into an agreement with a third party to control your energy load you must ensure that: 

a. the load is not already controlled by the network company; 
b. the third party does not interfere with or damage the network company's or anyone else's load control systems; 
c. if any damage occurs due to the actions of the third party you must promptly and at your own cost remove the source of the interference and fix the damage; 
d. the third party makes the load available to the network company to enable it to fulfil any performance obligations it has as an asset owner (in respect of managing system security in accordance with the Electricity Industry Participation Code) and to meet any applicable service standards for distribution services; and 
e. prior to controlling the load, the third party has entered into an agreement with the network company which sets out the protocols for the use of the load, including the matters set out above and the coordination with the network company of the disconnection and reconnection of the load. 

8.9 We will pass on compensation we receive from network companies: 

If we receive compensation from your network company or another third party for losses that result from an interruption to electricity supply to you, we will pass that on to you, noting that where applicable we may choose how to fairly allocate compensation across our affected customers. 

8.10. Claims for network company issues: 

If you suffer a loss or damage because of something the network company does or does not do, you can only claim from us what we can recover from the network company, and that is applicable to you. 

8.11. Network company liability is limited: 

Each network company has excluded or limited its liability to you and to us. Unless the agreement we have with a network company provides otherwise, all liability any network company may have to you is excluded, as much as the law allows. If you sell electricity to another end user, you agree that your agreement with them will exclude the liability of the network company to the same extent as this clause. 

8.12. Your financial responsibility to network companies: 

If you damage network company equipment or distribution, you may be liable for any damage you cause. If a network company suffers direct loss or damage which is caused or contributed to by your fraud, dishonesty, or wilful misconduct, you will be liable to make good that loss or damage. 

8.13. Other provisions that network companies can enforce: 

The provisions of clauses 3, 7, 8 and 9 that are also intended for the benefit of the network company and are enforceable against you by each relevant network company under the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017. 

9. Ending or suspending our obligation to supply electricity to you 

9.1. Payment to us: 

You must pay for all electricity supplied, and for all fees charged to you, until all of your obligations under these terms and conditions are satisfied. 

9.2. If you want to switch to another electricity supplier: 

You may switch to another electricity supplier or end the supply of electricity in accordance with these terms and conditions at any time. In these events you will need to pay for all electricity supplied to your property and any other charges you owe us for the period before your switch is complete. It is up to you to arrange for your new supplier to supply electricity to your property. 

9.3. Tell us if you are moving out of a property: 

If you are moving out of your property, you must tell us at least two working days in advance so we can prepare a final invoice(s) for that property. 

You will remain liable for all electricity supplied, and for all fees relating to your property until: 

a. the date two working days after you provide us with notice that you have moved out (if we ask you will provide supporting evidence); or 
b. the date the person who has moved into your property tells us that they have become our customer or the customer of another retailer for supply of electricity to that property. 

9.4. Tell us if you want electricity supply disconnected: 

If you want the electricity supply to a property disconnected temporarily or permanently, you must tell us 10 working days in advance. You may incur a charge for disconnection or reconnection when you ask us to do either of these things, or if we have had to disconnect. 

Disconnection refers to the physical termination of power supply at a property, and does not refer to a pause or hold on your billing or account with us. 

9.5. Our obligations in relation to your switch to another electricity supplier: 

The timeframes in clauses 9.3 and 9.4 are within accepted industry standards and relevant laws. If you switch to another retailer, we will switch you to that other retailer in accordance with industry standard and relevant laws and facilitate the switch. 

9.6. When we will disconnect the electricity supply: 

If you no longer need electricity supplied to a property at all, we will stop your electricity supply as soon as reasonably practical after you notify us of that (while making sure disconnection occurs safely). 

9.7. Reasons electricity supply might be disconnected: 

Either we or a network company may disconnect your electricity supply to any property if you: 

a. do not pay us for amounts invoiced under these terms and conditions. However, we will not disconnect you if the amount unpaid is the subject of a genuine dispute resolution process; 
b. do not meet your obligations in relation to any term or condition that we reasonably consider is material, or you persistently do not meet your obligations in relation to any other term or condition. We will not disconnect you if the matter in question is subject to the dispute resolution process. Before disconnecting you, we will give you the chance to meet your obligations (if it is possible to do so) and we will tell you how to do that; 
c. move into a property that we supply electricity to and you do not tell us. 

9.8. Notice of disconnection: 

In accordance with our processes (including our debt collection process) we will tell you at least 7 working days before we disconnect the supply of electricity to a property, by email or by sending a notice to the physical address we hold for you. We will also give you a final warning at least 24 hours before we intend to disconnect supply of electricity to that property. Each notice will include information about the timeframe within which disconnection will take place and what you need to do to stop disconnection. We will not disconnect you on a Friday or on the day before a public holiday and we will only disconnect on working days. 

9.9. If electricity is needed for critical medical equipment: 

If you tell us that you, or someone at the property to which we supply electricity, is dependent on that electricity supply for critical medical support and provide evidence when we ask, we will not disconnect electricity supply to that property for non-payment. We may however disconnect the property if there is an immediate safety risk. 

9.10. Disconnections for safety and electricity supply reasons: 

We or a network company may disconnect or disrupt your electricity supply without notice for safety reasons, where there has been an occurrence or circumstances that may adversely affect the proper working of the distribution network or the transmission system, or where there is an emergency. 

9.11. Reconnection after you meet requirements: 

If we disconnect you (including because you have not paid us) and you satisfy our requirements for reconnection, we will restore your electricity supply as soon as is reasonably practicable. 

9.12. What happens if we default: 

If we commit a relevant event of default as defined under the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010: 

a. the Electricity Authority can require us to provide information about you and can: 

i. transfer that information and all or any part of our rights and responsibilities under these terms and conditions to another electricity retailer (new retailer); and 
ii. amend these terms and conditions to be consistent with, or more favourable than, the standard contract that the new retailer would normally have offered you immediately before we committed the event of default; and 
iii. amend these terms and conditions to include a minimum term, so that you must stay supplied by the new retailer for that term unless you pay a cancellation fee. 

b. should we already have a legal arrangement in place with another electricity retailer (new retailer), we may perform the tasks outlined in 9.12.a in order to expedite the transfer process to this new retailer and ensure the continued supply of electricity to your property. 

This clause 9.12.a is also intended for the benefit of and is enforceable against you by the Electricity Authority under the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017. This clause cannot be amended without the consent of the Electricity Authority.

10. Use of your information 

10.1. Your personal information: 

The Privacy Act 2020 applies to personal information. You must make sure the information you give us is correct and up to date. 

10.2. Our Privacy Policy sets out how we handle your personal information: 

Our Privacy Policy for Z Power forms part of these terms and conditions. It sets out how we will collect, hold, use, disclose and keep secure personal information.  


You also authorise us to use, disclose and match any information about you and your energy supply for the purposes of carrying out our responsibilities under the Consumer Care Obligations in the Electricity Industry Participant Code, or to assist you, including verifying your status as a medically dependent consumer or discussing your account with appropriate government entities, other electricity industry participants (such as lines companies), private health practitioners or any other social agency, budget advisor, or support agency, as required or contemplated under the Consumer Care Obligations, as we consider reasonably necessary. This clause 10.3 applies in addition to our Privacy Policy. To the extent there are any inconsistencies between our Privacy Policy and this clause 10.3, this clause 10.3 shall prevail.

11. How much you and we might be responsible for under these terms and conditions 

11.1. If we cause damage: 

If we damage property by not taking reasonable care, and that damage was reasonably foreseeable we will pay the costs of repairing the damage or replacing damaged property (at our discretion) up to a maximum of $10,000 for any single event or series of closely related events. In the event we rely on this clause, your rights under clause 12.5 remain. 

11.2. We are only responsible for direct loss we cause: 

Except where we are liable to you under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or the Fair Trading Act 1986 (and only to the extent that our liability under such legislation cannot be excluded), we will not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss, or loss of profits or business or any similar claims. 

11.3. Our total amount of financial responsibility to you: 

Except where we are liable to you under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or the Fair Trading Act 1986 (and only to the extent that our liability under such legislation cannot be excluded), if for any reason we are found to be liable to you, our total maximum liability under these terms and conditions is limited to $10,000 for any single event or series of related events. 

11.4. Your financial responsibility for damage to equipment: 

If you damage any of our property or equipment or any meters or associated equipment we may require you to pay the reasonable cost of repair or replacement of them up to a maximum of $10,000 for any single event or series of related events. This limit does not apply to your obligation to pay for electricity. 

11.5. How the Consumer Guarantees Act applies: 

The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 applies to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions do not detract from your rights under that Act. We will supply electricity to the standards required under the Consumer Guarantees Act. 

If you are receiving electricity and services for the purposes of a business, you agree that the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply to this contract. 

12. Miscellaneous 

12.1. You cannot transfer this supply arrangement: 

You cannot transfer any of your rights and obligations under these terms and conditions to any other person. 

12.2. Continuing your electricity supply if we have financial issues: 

If we think that a receiver, liquidator, administrator or other similar officer is likely to be appointed in respect of our business, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure you continue to receive electricity supply to your property. 

12.3. Clauses that continue after the end of our supply obligations: 

Any clauses that are intended to have effect after termination continue to have effect. This includes clauses 5-12 inclusive and this clause 12.3. 

12.4. Our transfer of your supply arrangements to another electricity supplier: 

We may transfer all or any part of our rights and responsibilities under these terms and conditions to another electricity supplier. We will give you reasonable prior notice of the transfer to another electricity supplier and we will advise you of where you can access the information you need to contact the new electricity supplier and when the transfer will take place.    

12.5. Other parties may help us: 

We may subcontract or delegate our responsibilities under these terms and conditions to other people or companies. 

12.6. How we will communicate with you. 

We may send notices or invoices to you via the latest email address you have provided to us, as well as through Z My Account. Notices are deemed received the day after they are sent. 

For other communications, we may also contact you via phone call or SMS using the latest phone number you have provided to us. 

It is important that you let us know if any of your contact details change.

12.7. References to: 

a. a Z Power plan means a power plan offered by Z,  the electricity retailer; 
b. us, we are to Z Energy Limited and in each case include our subsidiaries, employees, subcontractors and their contractors, and our agents
c. a network company or meter provider, in each case include its subsidiaries, employees, subcontractors and their contractors, and agents; 
d. 'an individual' means a natural person; and 
e. something in the singular includes the plural and vice versa. 

13. Resolution process and contact details 

13.1. How to make a complaint: 

If you have a complaint, you should tell us as soon as possible. Please contact our customer support team in the first instance. Our complaints process is free. 

13.2. What we will do once we receive your complaint: 

Once we have received your complaint, we will reply to you within 2 working days to confirm we have received it.

We will also decide whether we think your complaint is related to network company services, or our service. 

13.3. If the complaint relates to services of the network company: 

If we think your complaint is related to network company services, we will liaise with your network company and work with them to manage and resolve your complaint. 

13.4. If the complaint relates to services we provide: 

If we think your complaint is related to our service then from there we will contact you directly to work through the issue with you, and continue to update you via email. 

13.5. What to do if the complaint takes a while to resolve: 

We will monitor your complaint progress regularly to ensure we resolve it with you as soon as possible. We aim to resolve all complaints within 20 working days. If it takes us longer than 20 working days to resolve your problem, then we will contact you to let you know why, how much longer it will take, and to discuss your options. 

13.6. Your other options to seek resolution: 

If you’re not satisfied: 

a. Z Energy Limited is a member of Utilities Disputes Scheme, which is a free and independent complaints resolution scheme. If for some reason you are dissatisfied about the resolution of your complaint, or we cannot resolve your complaint or problem within 20 working days, you can take your complaint to Utilities Disputes: www.utilitiesdisputes.co.nz 
Free Phone: 0800 22 33 40 
b. You can also take your complaint to the courts or the Disputes Tribunal.

EV at home plan specific terms and conditions

These Plan Specific T&Cs apply to you when you become a customer on the EV at Home Plan, which is one of the Z Power Plans offered through Z Energy Limited, your electricity retailer. 

These Plan Specific T&Cs apply in addition to the Z Power General T&Cs and any other special T&Cs that apply to you. 

Unless otherwise defined in these Plan Specific T&Cs, capitalised terms in these Plan Specific T&Cs have the same meaning as those terms in the General T&Cs. 

These Plan Specific T&Cs are effective from 27 April 2025.

Plan characteristics

3 hours of free power between 3am-6am.   

The EV at Home Plan offers 3 hours of free power between 3am-6am.   

Your daily charge will apply, so if you only use power between 3-6am and at no other times, you will still need to pay the daily charge. 

The free hours are not available if you have got a separately priced controlled meter (such as for hot water).   
Because the EV at Home Plan is tailored to electric vehicle charging which typically occurs overnight, you should review the day rates on this specific plan, to ensure it is the right plan for you, when considering the times during the day that you consume electricity.   

Half price rates at night 

The EV at Home Plan offers half price night rates between 9pm-7am when compared to the day rates that apply on this plan.   

Half price night rates are not available if you have got a separately priced controlled meter (such as for hot water).   

Because the EV at Home Plan is tailored to electric vehicle charging which typically occurs overnight, you should review the day rates on this specific plan, to ensure it is the right plan for you, when considering the times during the day that you consume electricity.   

Your electricity price 

Your electricity price is made of: a generation charge, a plan specific charge, retailer charge, network charge, metering charge and Government taxes and levies. Any charge may change on reasonable notice to you. You may also be charged ad hoc charges and payment charges in accordance with our General T&Cs. 

General things 

  • On this specific plan, your ordinary billing frequency will be monthly. 
  • We’ll give you reasonable notice (by email) before we make a change to your specific plan.  If you don’t wish to stay on your specific plan as a result of our change, you can ask us to switch you to one of our other available plans.
  • If we give you notice that we plan to stop offering your specific plan and we don’t hear back from you within a reasonable period, we can move you to another plan determined by us acting reasonably. 
  • There’s no fixed term contract, you can switch away anytime from this specific plan or from us generally (the notice periods in our General T&Cs apply, and if you have purchased a smart charger, the special T&Cs for smart chargers will apply). 
  • This specific plan is available for both residential and business customers (although if you are a business customer and you wish to purchase a smart charger, you will need to go through a different channel with us to arrange for that).   
  • If these Plan Specific T&Cs conflict with our General T&Cs or any other special T&Cs that apply to you, these Plan Specific T&Cs apply. 

Fuel back home plan specific terms and conditions

Power at home from Z (Z Power) is a service provided by Z Energy Limited (Z, us, we). 

These Plan Specific T&Cs apply to you when you become a customer on the Fuel Back Home Plan, which is one of the Z Power plans offered by Z.

These Plan Specific T&Cs apply in addition to the Z Power General T&Cs and any other special T&Cs that apply to you. Unless otherwise defined in these special T&Cs, capitalised terms in these Plan Specific T&Cs have the same meaning as those terms in the General T&Cs. 

These Plan Specific T&Cs are effective from 27 April 2025. 

Plan rewards

When you become a customer on the Fuel Back Home Plan you'll get:

  • 5 litres of fuel rewards for every $100 you spend on ordinary recurring electricity costs on your Fuel Back Home Plan. We also provide part litres e.g. if your ordinary electricity cost is $103.72, you'll get 5.19 litres of fuel added to your Sharetank account. 

Fuel rewards are redeemed at Z service stations by using Sharetank in the Z App. See below for more detail on how the fuel rewards work and limitations

Your electricity price

Your electricity price is made of: a generation charge, a plan specific charge, retailer charge, network charge, metering charge and Government taxes and levies. Any charge may change on reasonable notice to you. You may also be charged ad hoc charges and payment charges in accordance with our General T&Cs. 

How do the fuel rewards work

Fuel rewards are redeemed at Z service stations by using Sharetank in the Z App. In order to be access your Fuel rewards, you must

  • download Z App and open a Sharetank account
  • agree to and comply with Z’s terms and conditions for Sharetank 
  • join the Fuel Back Home Plan using the same mobile number used for the Sharetank account that you want your rewards to go into 
  • agree that your reward litres are deposited into the Sharetank that you are ‘active’ in at that time. So if you are ‘active’ in someone else’s Sharetank (for example you are sharing a Sharetank with someone else), your reward litres earned from your Fuel Back Home Plan will be deposited into their Sharetank. 

Note that if your active Sharetank is full for the fuel type you’ve selected for your reward litres, your reward litres may not be added until there is enough room. We will continue trying to add your litres to your active Sharetank each day for three months from the first failed attempt. The expiration of litres and maximum number of litres for each fuel type is in accordance with the Sharetank terms and conditions

Ongoing fuel rewards for your ordinary electricity spend – details and limitations 
  • You will earn on-going reward litres at the rate of 5 litres of fuel for every $100 you spend on your ordinary recurring electricity costs on your Fuel Back Home Plan.
  • For example, if you spend $200 on your ordinary electricity costs, you will receive 10L of reward litres in your Sharetank. We also provide part litres (subject to a minimum of 2L) e.g. if your ordinary electricity cost is $103.72, you'll get 5.19 litres of fuel added to your Sharetank account. 
  • The minimum number of reward litres that can be deposited into your Sharetank is 2L. 2L is the number of reward litres you earn for $40 of ordinary electricity spend. If your ordinary electricity spend for a billing period totals less than $40 you’ll earn less than 2L of reward litres and your reward litres will roll over to the next billing cycle. When your reward litres for multiple billing cycles total more than 2L they can be added to your Sharetank. 
  • You will not earn on-going reward litres on: 
    • special ad hoc charges like remote reconnection or disconnection requests, metering work and faults or site visits; or 
    • payment surcharges such as the credit card surcharge 
  • On-going reward litres will not be added to your Sharetank until after you have paid each Fuel Back Home Plan invoice 
  • Reward litres deposited to your Sharetank can take up to seven working days to appear 

Moving property 

If I move address and want to stay with your Fuel Back Home Plan? 

If you move to a new address and would like to have the Fuel Back Home Plan at your new address, it's a fresh start. Your accruing fuel rewards from one address (to the extent that you have not met the threshold to receive the minimum 2L fuel reward) will not move with you. When you sign up for the Fuel Back Home Plan at your new address, your plan will restart on the new Fuel Back Home Plan rates applicable at that time and your reward litres will start fresh. 

General things 

  • On this specific plan, your ordinary billing frequency will be fortnightly 
  • We’ll give you reasonable notice (by email) before we make a change to your specific plan.  If you don’t wish to stay on your specific plan as a result of our change, you can ask us to switch you to one of our other available plans. 
  • If we give you notice that we plan to stop offering your specific plan and we don’t hear back from you within a reasonable period, we can move you to another plan as determined by us acting reasonably 
  • There’s no fixed term contract, you can switch away anytime from this specific plan or from us generally (the notice periods in our General T&Cs apply) 
  • If we reasonably believe that you are or have been acting fraudulently or you are otherwise in breach of these Plan Specific T&Cs, we can take any or all of the following actions to the extent they are applicable to your specific plan: not add reward litres to your Sharetank, freeze reward litres in your Sharetank so they cannot be used, or deduct reward litres from your Sharetank 
  • Where Sharetank is applicable to your specific plan, you agree that use of Sharetank is subject to Z’s Z App T&Cs and the Sharetank T&Cs 
  • You agree that our total liability to you in relation to any fuel rewards offered under this specific plan is limited to $50 (except where we are liable to you under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or the Fair Trading Act 1986) 
  • If these Plan Specific T&Cs conflict with our General T&Cs or any other special T&Cs that apply to you, these Plan Specific T&Cs apply.  

Z Home Generation buy-back special terms

These terms apply when you sign up with Z Energy Limited (Z, us, we) to participate in Z's home generation buy-back scheme. This scheme involves the export of electricity generated by generating equipment at your property to the network, and the supply by us of electricity to your property (Z Home Generation buy-back).

These terms will apply in addition to the Z Power General T&Cs and your Plan Specific T&Cs, which govern the supply of electricity to your property. To the extent there are any inconsistencies between the terms, these Z Home Generation buy-back special terms will prevail.

We may change these Z Home Generation buy-back special terms from time to time. We will give you reasonable prior notice of changes to these terms and conditions, other than where we are required to implement a change by a relevant authority, in which case, we will notify you as soon as reasonably practicable. Where we materially change these Z Home Generation buy-back special terms, we will use our best endeavours to explain why we are making the change.

We may cancel this scheme at any time with reasonable notice to you.

1. Eligibility Requirements

1.1 To participate in Z Home Generation buy-back you must;

a. be a current electricity supply customer of Z;

b. have a valid connection contract with the distributor in accordance with Part 6 of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code) and can provide us with the distributor's confirmation of such contract;

c. have generating equipment with generation and/or storage capacity less than 10kW;

d. have made, and must maintain, all necessary arrangements to connect your generating equipment with the network; and

e. comply, and ensure your generating equipment complies, with all applicable laws (including the Code).

2. Meters

2.1 You must have a meter capable of exporting electricity to the network, and your export meter must be compatible with our billing system. If we discover that there are problems with your export meter installation type being compatible with our billing system after you have joined this scheme, we may need to terminate these Z Home Generation buy-back special terms as they relate to you.

2.2 If the export channel of your meter does not communicate with us or stops communicating, we may need to get meter technicians to investigate and/or replace your meter. If this is required, we will follow the process set out in clause 4.5 of the Z Power General T&Cs. If your export meter still cannot communicate export data, we may need to terminate these Z Home Generation buy-back special terms as they relate to you.

2.3 You must comply with the Z Power General T&Cs relating to your meter (and all references to 'meter' in the Z Power General T&Cs should be read as including your export meter, and references to electricity usage should be read as including the electricity you export), protect your meter from damage, not tamper with your meter, and notify us immediately if you notice any problems with your meter.

3. Pricing

3.1 The price for the electricity we supply to you will be calculated in accordance with the Z Power General T&Cs and your Plan Specific T&Cs.

3.2 The price for any electricity you export will be the wholesale price of electricity (also known as the "spot price") in your region at the time you export that electricity (the wholesale price changes every half hour).

3.3 If the wholesale price of electricity for a half-hour time period(s) is not finalised before your invoice is due to be generated, you will receive what is referred to as the "interim price" in the wholesale electricity market for electricity supplied to you and electricity you exported during the respective half-hour time periods. If your invoice contains calculations using interim prices, we will notify you by email. In almost all cases interim prices will be finalised prior to your next invoice. Once finalised, if the final price varies from the interim price, we will either credit or debit your account for any differences in calculated amounts for electricity supplied to you or exported by you.

4. Billing and payment

4.1 The clauses of the Z Power General T&Cs relating to billing and payment, and your Plan Specific T&Cs (to the extent relevant), apply in relation to billing for the electricity we supply to you, as modified by this clause 4.

4.2 Any amount we owe to you for electricity you have exported to the network will be applied as a credit against any amount you owe to us for electricity we have supplied to you.

4.3 We will send you an invoice detailing the amount of, and the charges for, the electricity we have supplied to you, and the electricity you have exported to the network. The invoice will clearly detail:

a. the amount that is payable by you to us (if the total price for electricity you have bought is more than the total price for electricity you have sold), in which case you will have a net debit which we will direct debit from your nominated payment method; or

b. the amount that is payable by us to you (if the total price for electricity you have bought is less than the total price for electricity you have sold), in which case you will have a net credit which we will apply as a credit to your account.

4.4 Interest will not accrue or be payable on any credit balances. If, immediately following your most recent invoice, your account has a credit balance of $50 or more, and you would like that credit to be paid out to you, you can request that we pay you that credit balance, and we will pay that amount into a bank account nominated by you within 10 business days.

4.5 The Z Home Generation buy-back scheme is for customers who are not businesses and who are not registered for GST. You are responsible for managing any tax implications of the income you receive resulting from the export of electricity to the network.

4.6 If data is not available for your export meter by the time your invoice is created, we will not estimate your export volume. In this instance, we will not credit you for the electricity you have supplied to the network on your invoice until we have received the finalised data. If this happens, we will still invoice you for the electricity you have purchased, and we will notify you when we send this invoice that we have not included credit for the electricity you have sold. As soon as the data becomes available, we will include your credit for the missing billing period in the following invoice. The time period that the credit relates to will be clearly detailed in your invoice.

4.7 If we need to terminate these Z Home Generation buy-back special terms with you in accordance with clause 2.1 or 2.2, we will estimate your bill for the time you were part of this scheme based on the process set out in our Z Power General T&Cs, and based on similar exporting customers for the export component of your bill.

4.8 You are responsible for paying us the net amount of your invoice if the total price for electricity you have bought is more than the total price for electricity you have sold. If you miss a payment, we will follow the process set out in clause 5.4 of our Z Power General T&Cs, which may include starting our debt process. If the total price for electricity you have bought is less than the total price for electricity you have sold, resulting in a net credit, we will apply this as a credit against your account.

5. Liability

5.1 You are responsible for the safe operation of your generating equipment, and for any injury or damage caused to any person, the generating equipment or any other property as a result of the operating of the generating equipment. In some circumstances, you may be liable to your network company for damage caused.

5.2 We are not responsible for problems with electrical lines or equipment that affect your generating equipment or ability to export electricity to the network. If you have problems with electrical lines or equipment for which a lines company or Transpower is responsible, please contact that company.

5.3 You are responsible for arranging any appropriate insurance relating to the generating equipment and for any damage it may cause, which may include, without limitation, public liability insurance.

5.4 We reserve the right to terminate these Z Home Generation buy-back special terms immediately by written notice to you where, in our reasonable opinion, these terms are not being complied with or the generating equipment is being operated in a manner that may cause injury or damage to any person or property.







Special terms and conditions for an EV smart charger

Effective from 17 August 2023 

1. When these special terms and conditions apply 

1.1 When you sign up to a Z Power plan, you must agree to the Z Power Customer Terms and Conditions with Z Energy Limited (Z, we or us) which outlines obligations to and from your electricity retailer.  The Z Power Customer Terms and Conditions include any special T&Cs that are applicable to you. 

1.2 These are special T&Cs that apply to you when you agree to purchase a Smart Charger from us and we agree to supply a Smart Charger to you.  These special T&Cs apply in addition to the General T&Cs, which also apply to our supply of a Smart Charger to you.    

1.3 You can only purchase a Smart Charger if you are on the EV At Home Plan.     

2. Accepting the quote, pricing, and other amounts we may need to charge you 

2.1 Accepting the quote 

We will give you a quote for the cost to purchase your Smart Charger and have it installed at your home.  You will be able to choose whether you pay the total amount:  

  • in full upfront; or  
  • in interest free, equal, monthly repayments that are split over a 24 month period.   

Once you accept your quote, the quote, any change to the quote verbally agreed to by you, together with these special T&Cs, the General T&Cs, and our Privacy Policy, will be a binding agreement between you and us for your purchase and installation of your Smart Charger. 
If you do not own the property at which you want to install your Smart Charger, you will need to ensure the building owner(s) and/or property manager(s) have approved the proposed installation prior to the installation date. 

2.2 Upfront payment 

If you choose to pay upfront, you will be invoiced on acceptance of your quote and on any variation that occurs on installation.  You can pay the total amount by direct credit.   

2.3 Monthly repayments 

If you choose to pay in monthly repayments, you will be invoiced on acceptance of your quote and on any variation that occurs on installation.  Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, you will pay the total amount through monthly repayments that are deducted from your bank account (in accordance with the Direct Debit T&Cs).  These monthly deductions will be processed separately from your power bill and the amounts being deducted will be provided in the email that accompanies your power bill.   

2.4 Leaving Z or moving house 

If you want to switch from us to a different electricity retailer (or we require you to switch to a different electricity retailer under our General T&Cs) prior to the end of your 24 month when you’re paying monthly repayments, you must pay us the balance owing for the purchase and installation of your Smart Charger.  We will tell you what this balance is at the time we send your final invoice for your power, and debit this amount from your nominated account or payment method within the relevant billing period.
If you are moving home, there are two options:  

  • Option 1:  If you own the property and are selling it, you can choose to leave the Smart Charger at the home you are selling, define it as a chattel, and sell it with your home. If you don’t own the property you are leaving, it will depend on your arrangements you made with the owner of the property in respect of installation as to what should happen.  Either way, if you do this prior to the end of your 24 months when you’re paying monthly repayments, you must pay us the balance owing for the purchase and installation of your Smart Charger.  We will tell you what this balance is and invoice you for this in your final invoice for your power and accompanying email.     
  • Option 2:  You can have your Smart Charger un-installed and re-installed at your new home.  There will be a cost to do this, and our installer would provide a quote.  If you do un-install and re-install your Smart Charger prior to end of your 24 months when you’re paying monthly repayments, you will continue to pay us the remaining monthly repayments.   
2.5 If you don’t pay for your Smart Charger 

If you don’t pay for your Smart Charger, we may:  

  • deduct any money you owe us in accordance with the General T&Cs; and/or 
  • request Evnex to withdraw, remove, block or cancel your electronic access to your Smart Charger through the Evnex App. 

3. Smart Chargers 

3.1 Title and risk  

Title to a Smart Charger will pass from us to you at the earlier of the time that:  

  • you make payment for the Smart Charger (whether through full payment upfront or through a first payment under a payment plan); and 
  • the Smart Charger has been installed at your property by the installer. 

Risk of loss or damage to the Smart Charger will pass from us to you at the time at which the Smart Charger has been installed at your property by the installer.   

3.2 Using the Smart Chargers 

You must use the Smart Chargers and operate your Account in accordance with these special T&Cs (and any other instructions provided by us) solely for your own personal purposes, or for a business purposes (for example, for charging a work-provided electric vehicle) as agreed between us.  

3.3 Consumer protection 

The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 applies to these special T&Cs.  These special T&Cs do not detract from your rights under that Act.  We will supply an installed Smart Charger and the use of your Account to the standards required under the Consumer Guarantees Act.  We do not provide any other additional warranties. 
If you purchase our Smart Charger for business use or in trade, you agree that the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply to these special T&Cs.   

3.4 Returns 

We will accept returns and will provide a refund where you have requested that and are entitled to that under the Consumer Guarantees Act.  However, if you change your mind, we will process a return or an exchange at our discretion. 

3.5 Charging rates 

The charging rates of some of our Smart Chargers may vary. For example, the charging rates may be lower or higher at certain times of day depending on overall electricity consumption in the local area, or the wider grid. We reserve the right to restrict charging rates remotely by default, but you may choose to override restrictions for the current charging session by using the Evnex App or by pushing the button on your Smart Charger.   

4. Evnex App 

Your Smart Charger can be used in conjunction with the Evnex App, which is available on the iOS and Google Play stores.  If you want to use your Smart Charger in conjunction with the Evnex App, you will need to download the Evnex App and then activate your Account through the Evnex App.   

Evnex’s terms and conditions will apply to your use of the Evnex App only, and not to your purchase of the Smart Charger or the use of your account – instead those are governed by these special T&Cs.   
For information on how you can charge with the Evnex App, visit here
Under the Evnex App, you may authorise additional users to use your Smart Charger via the Evnex App.  You will be responsible for any use of your Smart Charger by an additional user.   
You must not make available the Evnex App to any third party (other than an additional user authorised by you) or resell the Evnex App to any third party. Getting started with your charger

5. Account 

When opening your Account with us (through Evnex), you will need to provide certain personal information.  You agree that all information you provide us about you at any time will be accurate.  You will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Account and password and preventing any unauthorised person from using your computer or mobile device or your Account or password for your account. 
You will be responsible for all activities that occur under your Account or password.  You must tell us immediately if you believe another person has accessed your Account without your authority and you must, if possible, log into your Account and change your password. 

6. Maintenance and repair 

If your Smart Charger is not offering a charge, please refer to our troubleshooting guide here or contact Evnex, who can help you on our behalf.   

If your Smart Charger requires repair (and we are not liable for the cost of that repair under a warranty), Evnex will advise you of the cost to repair and will not undertake any repair until you have approved that cost. Any repair services provided by Evnex is under Evnex’s terms and conditions, and not under these special T&Cs.

7. Intellectual property 

All title to and all intellectual property rights in our Smart Chargers are owned by us or our licensors. Nothing in these special T&Cs transfers that ownership and you agree to not dispute our or our licensors’ ownership of such items at any time.  We grant you a perpetual, non-exclusive, irrevocable licence to use the firmware installed on your Smart Charger for the purposes of obtaining the full benefit of your Smart Charger.   
You may not copy, reproduce, or create derivative works from, any part of a Smart Charger. 

8. Privacy and data 

Any personal information we collect about you is governed by our Privacy Policy, which forms part of the Z Power Customer Terms and Conditions, along with these special T&Cs.  
Your Smart Charger will record your electricity consumption.  When this data is linked to your personal information, the consumption data also becomes personal information.  This means we will treat your Smart Charger consumption data as part of your personal information.  
If you use the Evnex App with your Smart Charger, you will be providing personal information through the Evnex App to Evnex, who collects and uses your personal information on our behalf under our Privacy Policy.   

9. Definitions 

In these special T&Cs: 
Account means the user account you register with us, through Evnex.   
Evnex means Envex Limited, who will install your Smart Charger on our behalf, and who owns and makes available the Evnex App. 
Smart Charger means the smart charger that you selected to purchase, which includes the charging station, power sensor, and any other equipment installed by us.

Direct debit terms and conditions

If you pay your account by Direct Debit, the following terms and conditions apply. 

Z Energy Limited is 'the Initiator' and you are 'the Customer'. 

Effective August 2023 

1. The Initiator: 

a) Subject to clause 3(a) below, has agreed to give advance notice of the net amount of each Direct Debit and the due date of the debiting at least * business days before the date when the Direct Debit will be initiated. This notice will be provided in writing (including by electronic means and SMS where the Customer has provided prior written consent (including by electronic means including SMS) to communicate electronically). The advance notice will include the following message: “The amount of $.......... will be directly debited to your Bank account on (initiating date).” *Minimum 2 business days. 

b) May, upon the relationship which gave rise to this Instruction being terminated, give notice to the Bank that no further Direct Debits are to be initiated under the Instruction. Upon receipt of such notice the Bank may terminate this Instruction as to future payments by notice in writing to me/us. 

c) May, upon receiving written notice (dated after the date of this Instruction) from a bank to which I/we have transferred my/our account, initiate Direct Debits in reliance of that written notice and this Instruction from the account identified in the written notice. 

2. The Customer may: 

a) At any time, terminate this Instruction as to future payments by giving notice of termination to the Bank and to the Initiator by the means agreed by the Customer, Bank and Initiator. 

b) Stop payment of any Direct Debit to be initiated under this Instruction by the Initiator by giving written notice to the Bank prior to the Direct Debit being paid by the Bank. 

c) Request the Bank to reverse a Direct Debit up to 120 days after the date of the Direct Debit if: 

  • the Customer did not receive advance written notice of the amount and date of that Direct Debit from the Initiator; or 
  • the Customer received advance written notice but the amount or date of that Direct Debit is different from the amount or the date specified in the relevant notice. 

d) Request the Bank to reverse any Direct Debits initiated by the Initiator under the Instructions by debiting the amount of the Direct Debits back to the Initiator through the Initiator’s Bank where the Initiator cannot produce a copy of the instructions and/or Confirmation to me/us that I/we are reasonably satisfied demonstrate that I/we have authorised my/our bank to accept Direct Debits from the Initiator against my/our account PROVIDED the request is made not more than 9 months from the date when the first Direct Debit was debited to my/our account by the Initiator under the Instructions. 

3. The Customer acknowledges that: 

a) If the Bank dishonours a Direct Debit but the Initiator initiates a replacement Direct Debit within 5 business days of the dishonoured Direct Debit, the Initiator is not required to give the Customer a further advance written notice in respect of the amount and date of that replacement Direct Debit. 

b) This Instruction will remain in full force and effect in respect of all Direct Debits passed to my/our account in good faith notwithstanding my/our death, bankruptcy or other revocation of this Instruction until actual notice of such event is received by the Bank. 

c) In any event this Instruction is subject to any arrangement now or hereafter existing between me/us and the Bank in relation to my/our account. 

d) Any dispute as to the correctness or validity of an amount debited to my/our account shall not be the concern of the Bank except in so far as the Direct Debit has not been paid in accordance with this Instruction. Any other dispute lies between me/us and the Initiator. 

e) Where the Bank has used reasonable care and skill in acting in accordance with this Instruction, the Bank accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of: 

  • The accuracy of information about Direct Debits on Bank statements; and 
  • Any variations between notices given by the Initiator and the amounts of Direct Debit. 

f) The Bank is not responsible for, or under any liability in respect of the Initiator’s failure to give notice in accordance with 1(a), nor for the non-receipt, or late receipt of notice by me/us for any reason whatsoever. In any such situation the dispute lies between me/us and the Initiator. 

4. The bank may: 

a) In its absolute discretion conclusively determine the order of priority of payment by it of any monies pursuant to this or any other Instruction, cheque or draft properly signed by me/us and given to or drawn on the Bank. 

b) At any time terminate this Instruction as to future payments by notice in writing to me/us. 

c) Charge its current fees for this service in force from time-to-time. 

These terms and conditions are Payments NZ Limited approved and are non-negotiable.